Dr. Bryan Willis Reese
Title IX Guidelines at Allgood Elementary School
Allgood Elementary School is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in education, including harassment, bullying, and retaliation.
Key Provisions:
1. Sex Discrimination and Harassment: Allgood Elementary School prohibits sex-based discrimination and harassment, including unwelcome verbal or physical conduct, that affects a student's educational experience.
2. Reporting Incidents: Students, parents, or staff members who experience or witness sex-based discrimination or harassment must report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Bryan Reese.
3. Consequences: Students who engage in sex-based discrimination or harassment may face disciplinary actions, including counseling, detention, or suspension.
4. Retaliation: Retaliation against individuals who report sex-based discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited.
5. Complaint Process:
Reports will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.
Students and parents will be informed of the investigation process and outcome.
6. Support Services: Allgood Elementary School provides support services to students who experience sex-based discrimination or harassment, including counseling, academic support, and accommodations.
Reports of sex-based discrimination or harassment will be kept confidential to the extent possible, while still allowing for a fair and thorough investigation.
This information is subject to change as necessary to comply with Title IX and other federal laws.